
RubyKaigi 2018 Official Party

Thu, 31 May 2018 19:40 - 21:00 JST

"Sakura" Room at Sendai International Center

Aobayama, Aoba-ku, Sendai 980-0856 Japan


Registration is closed

Get invited to future events

¥2,000 prepaid
You must have an "Official Party" ticket and a "RubyKaigi 2018" name badge to enter. Ruby-core committers and RubyKaigi 2018 speakers are invited to the party.


This is the ticketing site for RubyKaigi 2018 Official Conference Party

On the first night of RubyKaigi, there will be a party with food and drinks at the conference venue. Come join the party, enjoy Sendai local food, sake, and conversation with Rubyists from around the world!

For RubyKaigi 2018 speakers and Ruby-core committers

RubyKaigi 2018 speakers and Ruby-core committers are invited to the party. Please just show up without buying a ticket.

Any Questions?

Feel free to contact us via Contact Form or email to 2018 at Rubykaigi dot org!

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RubyKaigi RubyKaigi is a 3 day, multi-track paid conference for Rubyists, held in Japan, the country Ruby was born in. Through RubyKaigi, you'll get: Huge chance to say hi and thanks to Ruby co...

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